The One Rule For Babysitters Regarding Photo Sharing Online


She’s a darling. Your kids love her and she’s a big help. Finally, you have found the sweetest and most caring babysitter. The long search was truly worth it.

Most of the time, finding the perfect babysitter is almost like looking for a needle in a haystack. It’s so challenging that you would have to do a lot of research to really get all the information about the babysitter.

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That’s just how you should hire a babysitter. You have to do everything to get all the information about her. You just can’t settle for someone who had been referred to you. You just can’t stop at that point and say, “Yes, you’re hired.” No responsible parent does that.

You make use of all the ways and means to really get to know the babysitter. For example, you would definitely make use of the background checks if you were signed up with a childcare service provider.

Definitely Do Background Checks

Most online childcare service providers, nowadays, offer a service that conveniently allows parents to run background checks on the babysitters. So if you were signed up with an online childcare service, you would definitely take advantage of such service.

Running a background check is the most reliable way to get information about the babysitters. The good thing about online childcare service providers is that they have made it very affordable for parents to avail of such service.

Running a background check is the most reliable way to get information about the babysitters. The good thing about online childcare service providers is that they have made it very affordable for parents to avail of such service.

You wouldn’t have to pay so much to get all the information you need about the babysitter. The reason being is that the background checks are focused more on gathering information relevant to your job post.

Hence, the service becomes more affordable for you. At the same time, you are not overloaded with information you don’t really need.

Aside from running background checks, online childcare service providers also allow you to access profiles of the babysitters. This way, you can choose the babysitters you want to communicate with.

In case you just want to post your job offer, you can still access the profiles of the babysitters once you have a list of applicants interested in your post. Either way, childcare service providers provide you easy access to a credible list of professional babysitters. That makes your search a lot easier.

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It Doesn’t End There

When it comes to hiring a babysitter, it’s not enough that you do everything to make your kids safe. When it comes to safety, nothing is ever enough. Related read: How to save on sitters

The process of finding the right babysitter is long and in a way, never ending. Even if you have found the right babysitter for your kids, you still have to be on the lookout. Yes, you have to be on the lookout for a spare in case your babysitter doesn’t show up.

At the same time, you also have to be on the lookout with your chosen babysitter. You can never be too complacent with your babysitter. Even if she’s the sweetest and the most caring babysitter, you can’t totally trust that she’s going to do everything right.

Selecting the right babysitter doesn’t just end with all the pre-hire practices. After all the interviews and background checks, you still have to make sure the babysitter is up for the job.

Laying Down The Rules

If you want to make sure your chosen babysitter is up for the job, you need to lay down all the rules. Yes, all the rules because with the onset of the digital world, there are more than enough rules for your chosen babysitter.

It’s a lot different nowadays. The set of rules for the babysitter is a lot longer. You don’t just leave a list of dos and don’t with the babysitter. It just doesn’t work that way anymore.

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While there are a lot of rules to take up with the babysitter, there’s this one rule that you should never leave out.

Online Photo Sharing Is Strictly Not Allowed

The one rule you always have to remind the babysitter is that photo sharing online is strictly not allowed. With the onset of social media, not a lot of people are aware of the repercussions of photo sharing online.

Even the sweetest and most caring babysitter may not beware of it as well. Now, that could be very dangerous for your kids.

The one rule you always have to remind the babysitter is that photo sharing online is strictly not allowed. With the onset of social media, not a lot of people are aware of the repercussions of photo sharing online.

You wouldn’t want to wake up one morning and find a photo of your child floating online, would you? You always have to keep in mind that no one has the right to take a photo of your kid and photo share it online.

Anyone can always steal a photo online and use it in a most abusive way. Unfortunately, kids are not spared. As a matter of fact, it is highly possible that they are the main targets of online criminals.

So if you really want to make it safe for your kids, you always have to point out to the babysitter that photo sharing online is not allowed. That is the one rule that every babysitter should know.

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4 thoughts on “The One Rule For Babysitters Regarding Photo Sharing Online

  1. Part of my screening process is to check the babysitter’s social media account. If I see that she shares photos of kids online, she’s out of my list. She should know how dangerous it is to post photos of kids.

  2. To avoid online photo sharing, I think it’s best that the babysitter know that she’s NOT allowed to take photos at all. Itโ€™s better to tell her upfront.

  3. As it is, moms who post photos of their babies online should really be scolded. So if babysitters do that, they should be fired outright! No one should ever post a photo of a baby online. Itโ€™s too dangerous for the baby.

  4. I think it’s an unspoken rule that posting photos of other kids is a huge no no. I donโ€™t even post photos of my kids online. So I would really appreciate it if they ask my permission first before posting a photo of my kid on their social media sites. This same rule applies to any sitter I hire.


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