Hiring A Babysitter Near Me Is A Safer Alternative

Location is crucial when hiring a babysitter. Quite frankly, I want to hire a babysitter near me. I would feel a lot safer with a babysitter who lives near me.

It’s the same thing if I’ve opted for daycare. I would put my child in a daycare center near me. That is, if I choose daycare as a childcare service but I don’t and I will never do so.

I actually think there are good and reliable daycare services, which simply means that they are licensed and certified to operate.

Don’t get me wrong. I’m not one to bad mouth daycare services. I actually think there are good and reliable daycare services, which simply means that they are licensed and certified to operate. The problem is that their staff may not be that reliable or worse, may not be trained to take care of children.

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A Tragic Tale Of A Daycare Center

Here’s an example of a seemingly credible daycare center. The Kiddie Junction offered more than just childcare services. According to a news feature on Washingtonpost.com, the Kiddie Junction was offering a cutting edge teaching style that aims to enhance the learning experience of the little ones.

Naturally if you’re a parent, you’re going to fall for something as promising as that. So, you can’t blame some parents for entrusting their kids to the said establishment.

Naturally if you’re a parent, you’re going to fall for something as promising as that. So, you can’t blame some parents for entrusting their kids to the said establishment. Related read: Save with this promo from Sittercity

While everything looked so good from the outside, it was exposed that three of their employees were giving the little tots gummy bears that contained melatonin. The news feature stated that the three employees were arrested. Unfortunately, the damage had already been done.

This is a tragic tale of a daycare center gone wrong. According to the news feature, it was the owner of the daycare who had discovered the empty bottle of melatonin gummy bears.

The owner confronted one of the employees, who allegedly admitted to giving the gummies to children without parents’ knowledge.

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It’s sad because the owner really had nothing to do with it. Then again, that’s negligence. Of course, the owner is accountable for the whole thing. I really see it as a tragic tale of a daycare center and that’s why I prefer to hire a babysitter near me.

Background Screening Is Critical

I’m a parent who staunchly believes in screening childcare providers. That’s the reason why I never bothered to seek help from a daycare center.

No matter how credible a daycare seems, there is no guarantee that the employees have undergone some background screening.

No matter how credible a daycare seems, there is no guarantee that the employees have undergone some background screening. If there are daycare centers that are already screening their employees, well, I haven’t been to one yet. The daycare centers near me don’t do any background screening on their employees.

That’s I why I opt to hire a babysitter near me. To start with, logistics play an important part in the way I hire a babysitter for my kids. If I hire a babysitter near me, chances are, I already know her. I may not know her personally but at least, I know something about her already. That’s a good start for me.

Hiring A Babysitter Near Me Is Easy

Contrary to what other parents would normally think, it’s a lot easier to find a reliable babysitter than a daycare center. I have been hiring babysitters and I feel a lot safer that way.

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The fact that I can always hire a babysitter near me makes me feel even safer. I resort to two ways each time I hire a babysitter near me. First, I reach out to my community to ask them if they can refer someone. I get with a friend or a family member who might be able to help me. It’s not always that they’re able to help me but there are times when they’re able to give me a few referrals.

For me, it’s a lot easier to find babysitters online. Yes, online. Even if I am always looking for a babysitter near me, I find that I can always find her online.

I have been relying on online services to connect me to babysitters. One particular service can actually connect me to a babysitter near me. At the same time, it also screens the background of the babysitter.

I have been relying on online services to connect me to babysitters. One particular service can actually connect me to a babysitter near me. At the same time, it also screens the background of the babysitter.

I also have the option to run a more in-depth background check on the babysitter near me. How cool is that? The whole process is not too expensive.

If you think hiring a babysitter is expensive, then how about the cost of giving the child proper medical and psychological help after trauma? I know that’s a dark place to go to right now but if you’re a parent, you’d understand.

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After reading a horrific news feature, I really can’t help it. That explains why I prefer to hire a babysitter near me at all times.


4 thoughts on “Hiring A Babysitter Near Me Is A Safer Alternative

  1. It’s not enough to hire a sitter near me. It’s one of my serious considerations but I do more than that. I run background checks. I never hire a sitter without doing so.

  2. Daycare is not even an option for me these days. No way! I want to deal with just one person and I want to know everything about her before having her over. That’s why I only use Sittercity to hire a sitter.

  3. Thanks to Urbansitter, it’s pretty easy to hire a babysitter near me who at the same time, has been vetted by one of my mom friends. I can’t ask for anything more when it comes to hiring a sitter. 🙂

  4. When considering a daycare center, you would have to make sure that their staff is trustworthy. What are their credentials and background? It’s easy to check on the legality of the daycare center but it’s not easy to check on the background of the staff. Obviously, the background of the staff is more important than the legality of the daycare center.


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