10 Important Questions To Ask In A Babysitting Interview

Conducting a babysitting interview is crucial. This is the part where you can actually learn more about the babysitter. The information you have gathered about the babysitter can easily be verified at this point.

Time is of the essence in conducting a babysitting interview. You can’t waste too much time asking a lot of questions that won’t get you anywhere. At the same time, you can’t afford to be shy at this point.

babysitting interview
Find the right babysitter for you and your child by asking the right questions during the interview.

The success of a babysitting interview relies a lot on the questions you ask. Knowing which questions to ask can make a huge difference. Here are the 10 important questions to ask in a babysitting interview.

10. What activities do you have lined up for my child?

There’s more to babysitting than just watching the kids. The babysitter has to make it fun for your child well. That is the reason why you should ask this important question in a babysitting interview; what activities do you have lined up for my child?

You can tell if the babysitter came in prepared for the interview with this particular question because she’s actually going to have a list of fun games to tell you about.

There’s a good list of babysitting games on Everydayhealth.com. You can compare that list to the whatever activities the potential babysitter has in store for your child.

9. What is it about babysitting that you love most? What is it about it that you love the least?

You want a babysitter who really loves what she does. She just not out looking for a job but she’s also looking for something that she loves to do. There are some babysitters who are really passionate about they do. You will be able to recognize them by asking them this important question; what is about babysitting that you love the most?

A babysitter who really loves what she does will be able to answer this question candidly. She’s not going to stall to look for words. She’s going to be able to answer this question right away.

As an interviewer, you need to establish a direct eye contact with the potential babysitter. If the potential babysitter can seem to keep up with your direct eye contact, then you have a good reason to doubt whatever she says.

8. How would you deal with an emergency?

This is another important question to ask in a babysitting interview but unlike the other previous questions where the answer could be very creative, this particular question entails solid answers.

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It would also help if you gave some emergency scenarios. This way, you will be able to tell how the potential babysitter can cope with the various emergency scenarios.

According to Babycenter.com,  you should be able to trust the babysitter to handle an emergency situation. One good way to know if the potential babysitter is worth trusting is to have her tackle the various emergency scenarios. Give her emergency scenarios and see how she can cope with each one.

7. How would you spend prize money worth one million dollars?

This might seem like a fun question to ask in a babysitting interview. You might even think it’s irrelevant to ask this particular question in a babysitting interview but it actually isn’t.

According to Thestir.cafemom.com, this particular question can reveal a lot about the potential babysitter. You can get to know someone really well by learning more about her spending habits through this hypothetical but fun question.

6. What are your special traits that make you an awesome babysitter?

This may sound like a question from a beauty pageant but go right ahead and ask it. This gives the potential babysitter a chance to talk about herself. You can even expand this question by asking her instances as to when her special traits came in handy in a babysitting situation.

5. How would you deal with my child’s meltdown?

This is a tricky question but someone who is just trying to impress you will give you a sudden answer as to how she will deal with your child’s meltdown. Watch out for that kind of response.

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You are better off with someone who will ask you first as to how you usually deal with your own child’s meltdown.

4. Would you post photos of my child online?

The only answer to this question is no. If the potential babysitter says yes, you need to move on to the next applicant. Posting photos of children online is definitely a big no. Related read: Save money with a coupon from Sittercity

3. How would you get my child to follow the house rules?

A professional babysitter will not attempt to answer this question without asking you what the house rules are. Once she knows the house rules, she should be able to come up with ways to get your child to obey. Watch out for the kind of words she will use to your child.

Take more time to explore this question by bringing up the topic of spanking. There’s a lot to learn about her babysitting style by bringing up that particular topic.

2. Do you smoke or drink? How often?

This question is not intended to pry into the private life of the babysitter. As a future employer, you have the right to know since your child will be in direct contact with the babysitter. You have the right to know so that you could make a sound decision at the end.

1. What would you do if I came home late?

This question can really go a long way. You will be able to see how far the babysitter is willing to extend her hours. No matter how she answers this question, you will be able to learn a lot about her attitude towards her work. This question can also pave the way for both parties to set expectations.

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These 10 questions are important since they can be expanded into situations. After all, you can’t afford to ask closed-ended questions in a babysitting interview.


2 thoughts on “10 Important Questions To Ask In A Babysitting Interview

  1. These questions are good but they won’t reveal much about the sitter. Background checks will. Nonetheless, I will still use some of the questions in my next interview. I’m curious how #3 will be answered.

  2. These are very useful questions but I will be adding more. I’ll be hiring a sitter soon (only from Sittercity, of course 😊) and I’ll definitely be asking about sanitation practices and whereabouts in the last two weeks. Just to be sure.


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