You Can Handle Parental Fatigue With The Help Of Sittercity

You need to manage parental fatigue because every parent is bound to suffer from it.

When you become a parent, it doesn’t matter if it’s a Monday or a Saturday. Everyday is a crazy day.

Your life is tied up to your baby’s activities. Add that to all the things you have to do and you end up tired and exhausted at the end of each day of the week. Yes! That’s 24 hours a day, seven days a week. So what do you get? You get parental fatigue.

You need to take it slow. You need to manage parental fatigue because every parent is bound to suffer from it.

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Dr. Anna Kaplan, of stresses the importance of maximizing sleep and rest, not just for parents but for everybody as well.

Don’t Be Afraid To Ask For Help

In her article, Dr. Kaplan actually encourages you ask for help. If you have a family member who is willing to help you out, accept it. You just need to make sure that the family member is sincerely going to help you out. If you have any reservations about the offer, just say no.

You can also look outside your family to seek help. If no one in your family can help you out, Sittercity is always there to provide you babysitters that can help you out.

You cannot do it alone. As much as you want to, you need all the rest and sleep you can get.

You cannot do it alone. As much as you want to, you need all the rest and sleep you can get. This is especially true if you are breastfeeding. The pumping and storing of milk can take a lot of your time, plus the fact that you had just given birth. You just have to give yourself a break.

Nothing To Worry About

With Sittercity, you have nothing to worry about. You will be able to find a babysitter whom you can entrust your child to. However, it does take some time to find a babysitter from Sittercity.

If you really want someone whom you can trust, you are better off following Sittercity’s selection process. It actually is a very simple process but if you follow it strictly, it will require you to spend some time hiring a babysitter.

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There’s nothing wrong with that. As a matter of fact, that’s the safest way for you to hire a babysitter. If you really want to get enough sleep, you need to find a babysitter whom you can really trust. You just can’t take the short cut and hire someone whom you know nothing about. That’s just too dangerous and even Sittercity wouldn’t vouch for that.

Safety is important to Sittercity and that’s precisely why they have a selection process for you to follow. The best way to handle fatigue is by not worrying about the babysitter who’s watching your most precious little one.

Prioritize Sleep And Rest

When you become a parent, you don’t actually have any kind of super powers. It just seems like you have but you really don’t. The truth is, you need to get more sleep and rest now that you are a parent.

It really is an understatement to say that being a parent is no joke. When you end up with parental fatigue, you won’t even have the energy to laugh.

It really is an understatement to say that being a parent is no joke. When you end up with parental fatigue, you won’t even have the energy to laugh. That’s the reason why Dr. Kaplan stresses the importance of sleep and rest.

According to her, you should grab every chance for you to get some sleep. Hence, you shouldn’t feel guilty about sleeping or resting. You deserve to get your share of sleep and rest. Related read: Use a promo code from Sittercity to save

So that means you shouldn’t end up cleaning the house just because your precious little one is sleeping. It also doesn’t mean that you should exhaust yourself with errands and chores just because a babysitter is watching your little one. What all these mean is that you should get the sleep and rest that you need. When help is around, you need to prioritize getting enough of sleep and rest.

Take Care Of Yourself

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Taking care of your little one is the most wonderful task in the world. However, it’s not always fun. You are bound to end up tired. Delegating certain tasks to your husband works but you also have to consider that he, too, can be suffering from parental fatigue.

Your precious little one cannot be under the care of two folks suffering severely from parental fatigue. That is just too dangerous for your baby.

So get some sleep. Get some rest. Hire a babysitter and take care of yourself as well.

So get some sleep. Get some rest. Hire a babysitter and take care of yourself as well. Your baby needs you to be in tiptop shape.

Parental fatigue is a serious thing. It’s, no doubt, bad for your health as well. That’s why you need to manage it well from the start.

The best way is to manage parental fatigue is to seek help. Remember, you cannot take care of your little one all by yourself, every single day of the week. You will have to take a break or you will go nuts. Don’t get to that point. Get help from Sittercity.

Disclosure: Compensated Affiliate. Click here for details.

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Do you think you can make use of a parenting break sometime soon?


4 thoughts on “You Can Handle Parental Fatigue With The Help Of Sittercity

  1. Before I had kids, I thought it was an exaggeration when some moms complained about not having any time for themselves. I really thought they were overacting about it, up until I became a mom. Now, I would die for an hour of uninterrupted time for myself. You are right about seeking help. Thanks for sharing your thoughts on parental fatigue.

  2. A sure way to save your sanity is by hiring a babysitter. I’ve done it and will continue to do so when I have some urgent work that needs to be done. It really helps me to keep things under control especially when it is crunch time in the office.

  3. I drive my kids to school every single day. I can’t afford to deprive myself of sleep. I need to be alert to be safe on the road. So even if I stay home with the kids, I make sure a regular babysitter comes over to help me out. That way, I can get a lot of things done without stretching the hours. Getting enough sleep is not so hard for me to do especially with the help of our regular babysitter.

  4. Sometimes we forget that we do have our own limitations. As moms, we try to do everything possible and sometimes, even the impossible. I so agree with you that we need to ask for help. We can never do it on our own. Based on my experience, Sittercity works for me. Of course the initial screening process to find sitters takes quite some time. However, once you find a good set of tried and trusted sitters, you’ll find that the service is really worth it. I never hesitate to seek help whenever I need someone to watch over my kids.


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