Is Sittercity A Good Site?

If you’re thinking about trying a childcare service provider website, the question you’re most likely to ask is this: Is Sittercity a good website?

So, why Sittercity? Considering it’s the leading childcare service provider website, it will be your first option, right?

Well, it was definitely my first option a couple of years ago. Even if there were a lot of childcare service provider websites available, I went for Sittercity.

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Since I’ve been using it for some time, I can confidently answer the question, is Sittercity a good site.

Is Sittercity A Good Site?

Yes, Sittercity is a good site. For the many years that I’ve been using it, I have had no qualms about it.

I did have some reservations at the start but I was able to overcome them soon as I got used to navigating Sittercity. I can honestly tell you that it didn’t take long for me to get used to it. Sittercity is pretty easy to navigate.

You don’t have to go from one page to another to find what you’re looking for. It’s all there once you sign in to your account. Even if you’re not a techy mom, you’ll be able to navigate it with ease. You just have to sign up to create an account to see for yourself.

You can sign up as a free or paid member. Either way, you can post a job or you can go through the profiles of the sitters at your convenient time. Related Read: Get Deep Discount On Sittercity

You can also make use of the filters to streamline your search. Just keep on reading and clicking to navigate the website. There’s nothing to it. Hence, in terms of navigation, Sittercity is definitely a good site.

In terms of connecting parents and babysitters, is Sittercity a good site? My answer is still a big yes since Sittercity has been connecting parents and sitters for the past 20 years.

As a matter of fact, it was the first-ever childcare service provider website created way back in 2000. Needless to say, Sittercity revolutionized childcare services by going online.

To this day, it’s still doing what it does best; connecting parents to reliable babysitters. The babysitters on Sittercity are not just random people who thought of signing up to earn some extra cash on the side. They are professional sitters who take their work seriously.

Before any babysitter could be featured on Sittercity, she would have to be verified first. Before her profile could be viewed by parents, it has to be checked by Sittercity first. That way, you don’t end up looking at a fake profile. That’s how good a website Sittercity is since it checks out the babysitters who sign up.

Running Background Checks Is Easy

Sittercity is a good site since it allows me to run background checks easily. Background checks are done onsite. There’s no need for you to go to another website to get it done.

Although it is a process offered by a third party, the service is embedded onsite. That makes it very easy for you to run background checks.

It goes without saying that running background checks is a must. Whether you’re hiring a babysitter online or offline, you need to run some background checks to make sure you’re not hiring a criminal or a scammer.

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Ever since Sittercity was conceptualized, it has offered this service of running background checks onsite. Running background checks onsite is actually one of the main safety features of the site. A lot of online childcare service providers have copied it but I can say that the extensive background checks are on Sittercity.

The background checks of Sittercity can uncover ten years of information about the babysitter. Hence, you get a very extensive background check on the babysitter.

You’ll find some babysitters on Sittercity how have already run background checks on themselves. These are the babysitters who have badges to display on their profiles.

If a babysitter is not showing a badge, you can just click to run a background check on her. There are various kinds of background checks on Sittercity. You can run the Basic Background, Enhanced Background, and Motor Vehicle Records Check.

It’s up to you as to which background check to run. Of course, the Enhanced Background Check is more detailed.

You can also combine the Motor Vehicle Records Check with any of the two background checks. It will come out cheaper.

Easy 4-Step Selection Process For Parents To Follow

Sittercity isn’t the only online childcare service provider these days. There are now a lot of them nowadays but I was never tempted to try any of them. I was too comfortable with Sittericty and to this day, I still am. Related Read: Sittercity Membership Rates Breakdown

Another reason is that Sittercity has a good selection process for parents to follow. The 4-step selection process of Sittercity spares parents from doing some guessing games. When parents follow the process, they’re sure to find the babysitter of their choice.

The 4-step selection process is very easy to follow. The first step is to post a job on Sittecity. Once you get some responses from applicants, you can run some background checks on the ones you want to interview. That is the second step.

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The third step is to do some face-to-face interviews. The fourth step is to check references. If you follow these four steps, you’re bound to make a good decision at the end of the day. Read Related: The Sittercity 4-Step Screening Process

A Safe Platform For Both Parents And Babysitters

After using Sittercity for years, I find that it’s a safe platform for both parents and babysitters. The fact that communication is only allowed onsite makes it safe.

The babysitters are not encouraged to give their personal contact numbers to the parents. This means that they can only communicate using the messaging service on Sittercity.

While this service is a perk for paid members, it’s very useful. In my case, I use it a lot to communicate with the babysitters I’m usually in touch with.

If you’re like me, who has been using the service for some time now, you’ll end up with a list of regular babysitters. You’ll always have a lot of options in case a babysitter can’t make it. You can easily get with another babysitter by using the messaging service.

Even if communication is within the website only, you won’t have a hard time contacting the ones you usually hire. It’s much safer that way. Both the babysitters and the parents are protected since communication is only within Sittercity.

Sittercity, as a platform, is definitely a lot safer than free websites. If you’ve tried looking for babysitters on social media websites or even on Craigslist, your kids are never going to be safe.

If you want to rely on luck to find a good babysitter on those sites, go right ahead. Fact is, you can never rely on luck to find someone you can trust on such websites.

Sittercity does not rely on luck. Instead, it provides you with tools that you can use to make your search more worthwhile. At the same time, it also enhances the hiring process since you’re bound to select someone whom you can trust. For me, that matters a lot and that makes Sittercity a good site.

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Have you tried hiring a sitter from an online childcare service provider such as Sittercity? If yes, feel free to share your thoughts and experience with us.


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