Is Sittercity A Reliable Site?

Is Sittercity a reliable site? That’s the question I seem to get a lot. I think it’s a pretty valid concern, especially for moms who haven’t tried Sittercity yet. 

There are a lot of reasons why you should be careful about hiring babysitters online. You have to get to know them more and see if they can keep your kids safe at all times.

Sounds pretty challenging, right? Well, it is.

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That’s why a lot of moms want to know, is Sittercity a reliable site?

If you really want to know how reliable Sittercity is, read on.

I have been using Sittercity for a couple of years now. Everything I have to say about it is based on my experience.

Here are a couple of things I like about Sittercity:

  • Background checks are not just easy to run but are also pretty affordable as well.
  • I can easily send a message to any sitter.
  • The sitters on Sittercity are verified. At the same time, the information posted on their profiles are checked by Sittercity as well.
  • Feedback from other parents is very easy to access and read.
  • I can always search for sitters within my area.
  • Searching for last-minute is never a problem since sending direct messages to sitters is very easy on Sittercity.
  • The search filters of Sittercity make it easy to find a sitter who is suited for the job.
  • Navigating the website is very easy.
  • Is Sittercity A Reliable Site?

Yes, Sittercity is a reliable site. For starters, it allows you to connect to sitters online. With its huge database of care providers, you have a lot of options to choose from. You can always connect and contact them anytime.

The instant messaging service of Sittercity makes it possible to connect to sitters right away. For me, this particular service makes Sittercity very reliable especially when it comes to connecting to sitters right away.

I use it a lot especially when I need a sitter at the last minute. After all, it’s the only way for me to contact the sitters I hire on a regular basis.

Another reason why I find Sittercity reliable is the fact that I can always run background checks on the sitters. For me, this is very important.

Running background checks is the best way to gather sensitive information about the sitter. For sure, the sitter won’t divulge everything about herself during the interview. That’s when the background checks come in handy.

There are three kinds of background checks on Sittercity. These are the Basic, Enhanced, and Motor Vehicle Records checks. Related Read: Sittercity vs Review

You can also consider the Enhanced Plus, where you can combine the Enhanced Background Check with a Motor Vehicle Records Check. On the other hand, the Basic Plus combines the Basic Background Check with a Motor Vehicle Records Check.

Access to these background checks makes Sittercity a very reliable site. You get crucial information about the sitter that could help you make smarter decisions. Related Read: Save On Sittercity With A Discount Code

Another good reason why I find Sittercity a reliable site is that the sitters are verified first before they are able to create their profiles. What that means is that Sittercity verifies the identity of the sitter first.

They don’t just approve the sitters who sign up onsite. They verify their identities first. Then they check whatever the sitter has shared on their profile.

The profile of the sitter can only be visible to Sittercity members after the verification of identity and checking of information. This way, you have peace of mind that you are dealing with a real person who has childcare experience and expertise. The fact that Sittercity goes out of its way to ensure its sitters are verified makes the site very reliable.

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There are more reasons why I find Sittercity reliable. For example, the feedback of other parents is very helpful. You can tell a lot about the sitters if you take a look at what other parents have to say about them.

Doing Your Part

There’s no doubt that the answer to the question, is Sittercity a reliable site is yes. However, you would have to do your part in making Sittercity a reliable site.

Here’s the thing; the premium services I mentioned are all part of the paid plans. What this means for you is that you need to be signed up with any of the paid plans to make use of the premium services.

It’s worth noting that Sittercity offers both free and paid plans. The free plan of Sittercity provides basic access to the site.

You can post a job and browse the profiles of the sitters. You can also make use of the search filters on the free Sittercity plan. Unfortunately, those are the only things you can do on a free Sittercity plan.

This doesn’t mean that the free plan of Sittercity isn’t good enough. It is especially if you want to try out the site.

When it comes to the reliability of the service, it’s best to unlock all the premium services of Sittericty. You can only do that if you sign up for any of the three paid plans.

The three paid plans of Sittercity are the following:

  • One-month plan
  • Three-month plan, and
  • Annual plan.

The one-month plan costs $35. While the three-month plan costs $70. The annual plan is the best deal since it goes for $140. You can make use of the site for one whole year for only $11.67 a month. That’s pretty good.

You can’t expect Sittercity to do everything for you. The most it can do for you is to provide services that can help you find the most suitable sitter. Related Read: What Are Sittercity’s Membership Rates?

The bottom line is that you need to do your part on Sittercity to make it reliable. You cannot ignore the premium features it offers and expect to see great results. You have to make use of all of them to experience the reliability of the site.

Keeping it Safe

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The reliability of Sittercity means the site tries to keep it safe for parents, sitters, and kids. Just imagine if you can’t run background checks onsite?

You’ll never know enough about the sitter, right? That’s pretty scary considering you’re going to entrust your kids to the care of a total stranger.

Sittercity also tries to keep it safe for both parents and kids by providing the 4-step screening process. The 4-step screening process guides you in choosing the most suitable sitter. It’s an effective plan that consists of four steps.

The first step is to post a job. This is an easy task to do on Sittercity. It doesn’t matter if you’re signed up on a paid or free account. You can still post a job on Sittercity either way.

The second step in the 4-step screening process is to run some background checks. As previously mentioned, you can only run background checks on Sittercity on a paid account.

The third step is to do some face-to-face interviews. The last step is to check the references of the sitter. At this point, you can pretty much tell if the sitter is in or out. If you’ve been interviewing a list of sitters, you already have a good idea as to whom to hire.

Related Read: Sittercity 4-Step Screening Process

Thanks to the 4-step screening process, hiring a sitter is pretty easy to do. You’re guided accordingly so that you can make a smarter decision.

There’s no doubt that the 4-step screening process makes Sittercity a safe site. If a site is safe, then it’s definitely reliable.

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Based on what you have just read about Sittercity, do you think it’s a reliable site? Feel free to comment below. We’d love to hear from you.


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