It’s Time To Prevent Child Obesity

Encourage your children to play outdoors.

According to research an alarming one-third of the nation’s children are overweight. The problem with child obesity is sweeping the country at a frightening rate. Mindful parents come up with ways and means to keep their children fit and healthy. There are two ways that can help avoid this looming problem.

First is by teaching kids to eat healthy foods. This means avoiding meals or snacks high in saturated fat and calories. Introducing vegetables, fruits, fish, and lean protein in the early stages of a child’s diet can help develop a liking for healthy food. This is a beneficial trait that the child can take to the adolescent and adult years. Also read: Save on babysitting with this promo code

Secondly is by encouraging active play time. There are enjoyable games for the children indoors. However outdoor games are more beneficial for their young bodies. Games that involve walking, jumping, or running are exercises disguised as games or play time. By keeping these activities fun and creative, the children get to move the muscles and burn calories. Aside from staying fit, outdoor games provide more developmental benefits. Climbing a jungle gym or swinging develops their motor skills. Active play allows children to think sensibly and develop social skills. By encouraging and allowing, at least an hour a day, to have an active playtime; the child can have some kind of exercise regimen that is fun. The active play time can really prevent obesity.

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With the right food choices and active play time, the chances of child obesity is lessened. Tolerating a child’s unhealthy eating habits and sedentary lifestyle is dangerous. The child can grown-up with illnesses like diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart problems. More importantly, an obese child is confronted with many psychological issues such as low self-esteem, mounting insecurity, and social detachments. Also read: Is finding a sitter quite a challenge?

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Parents must be aware that child obesity is a real problem. But the good news is that it can be prevented. By establishing healthy eating habits and encouraging active play time, child obesity can easily be avoided.

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Are you doing something to keep your kids healthy and fit? What types of activities are you promoting in your home? Feel free to share your thoughts.

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12 thoughts on “It’s Time To Prevent Child Obesity

  1. My kids bring their lunch to school. Instead of buying them prepacked lunch, I make sure to cook their meals. Then I slip an apple for them to munch on during their recess time.

  2. Nowadays, kids spend too much time playing with their gadgets. They should be out in the sun playing. I’m actually encouraging my kids to build a tree house in our backyard.

  3. It’s hard to get my son to go out and play once he sets his mind to play online. So now I make sure he spends an hour to bike in the park. If I tolerate his online habit, he will never appreciate the discipline of exercise.


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