Make It A Fun, Sun, Shiny Day!

summertime-kids-tipsSummer is here and the kids are all excited to go out under the sun. It’s play time for them. While we parents are excited to get some tan as well, now is the best time to really think about how to protect our little tots and ourselves from the heat of the sun. Playing under the sun maybe fun but we need to be extra careful. It’s really a must to shield ourselves and the little tots from the sun.

Don’t Skimp On The Sunscreen

Now that summer is here, I’m doubling up with the sunscreen. It’s also a good idea to carry around a bottle or a tube of sunscreen in my bag. A tube of sunscreen is usually an important content in my make up bag during the hot summer days.

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It won’t do any harm to generously apply sunscreen on the face and on other exposed parts of the body. It’s actually the best way to protect ourselves from the sun. Related read: Need babysitters for summer?

Don’t Bare It All

While summer is the best time to bare some skin, it’s still not the safest thing to do. The rays of the sun can harm the skin which can eventually lead to skin cancer. It’s best to always protect the skin from the heat of the sun.

Avoid The Hottest Time Of The Day

While it’s fun to frolic under the sun, it’s best to avoid the hottest time of the day. The best time to get some sun starts at around 6 A.M until around 9 A.M. The heat of the sun after 9 A.M. can be very dangerous to the body. The intense heat can dehydrate the body. It can also lead to heat stroke.

The heat of the sun after 9 A.M. is very dangerous to the skin as well. The intense heat of the sun after 9 A.M. can immediately burn the skin. No matter how much we try protect our skin, it just won’t be enough. So no matter how tempted we are to go under the intense heat of the sun, we should really just avoid the sun when it’s at it’s hottest.

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Infants and Babies Should Stay Out Of The Sun

Infants and babies that are six months old and younger should just stay away from the sun. While some moms are excited to go under the sun, they should make sure that their babies are all under a protective shade.

Don’t Take Things For Granted

Summer maybe a fun time. But it’s definitely not the right time to take things for granted. As a mom, I should always take some time to check the skin of my kids. Considering the amount of time they spend under the skin, I should regularly check for rashes and irritation brought about by the heat of the sun. Related read: Need affordable sitters? Use these Sittercity offers

Take The Kids To The Pediatrician Regularly

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It’s a long, fun vacation but that doesn’t mean that we should ignore the pediatrician. Summer is a good time to take the kids to their pediatrician. The heat of the sun can bring about rashes and other skin diseases that can make the little ones very uncomfortable. To make the summer more fun, we, parents should make sure our little ones visit their pediatrician regularly.

Avoid Sunburn

Sunburn hurts! There’s just no doubt about it. It can also be very dangerous. Again, it can lead to skin cancer. Getting all red from the sun is not a cute thing. Even if there’s new skin after the burn, it’s still not the best way to get that glow. Burning the skin is not the right way to get that healthy glow. There are safer ways to get that perfect skin glow. There’s just no reason why we should burn ourselves under the sun.

We should really protect ourselves and our little ones from the heat of the sun. It’s the only way to make the summer a fun, sun. shiny day.

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Do you have any summer time tip or tips that you would like to share?


5 thoughts on “Make It A Fun, Sun, Shiny Day!

  1. With climate change and all, the sun now is a lot hotter. But we’re still going to enjoy it with layers and layers of sunscreen. Thanks for the reminders.

  2. I don’t skimp on sunscreen. It’s better to be protected than sorry. Even if my kids and I love the sunny weather, I’m going to make sure we’re safe from the hot rays of the sun this summer.


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