Safety Is Top Priority For Families With Sittercity

The hardest part about being a mom is leaving the little ones behind. These days, it’s not safe to take them around everywhere you go. Besides, you need some time for yourself as well.

Every mom needs some time to be alone. It doesn’t matter if you’re a stay-home mom or not. You need to spend some time on yourself. That’s the key to a more blissful life.

Sittercity background checks babysitters to ensure that your child will be in good hands.

So never feel guilty that you’re leaving the little ones behind. There are times when you should leave them behind. You really need someone whom you can entrust your kids to at some point. It could be a relative or a neighbor, just as long as you can rely on that person. If either one isn’t available for you, there’s a childcare service provider that can help you out.

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Sittercity is the leading childcare service provider. It’s web-based so you just need your computer and an internet connection to start your search.

Sittercity changed the way parents hire a babysitter. Parents no longer have to call other people just to seek referrals. Nowadays, parents can do it themselves. Sittercity boasts of a reliable system to connect parents to babysitters.

Babysitters Have Been Screened

If you’re having second thoughts on going online to hire a babysitter, consider this first. Sittercity is a membership based website. This means you won’t be dealing with any unscrupulous people online.

You can consider Sittercity as community of concerned parents striving hard to find the most suitable babysitter for their kids. It’s not a website where anyone can just sign up and connect to friends, relatives, or even strangers. It doesn’t work that way with Sittercity.

The main objective of Sittercity is to connect you to babysitters. Hence, you only communicate with the babysitters who are interested in your in post.

If that still scares you, then consider this again. Sittercity screens all the babysitters who sign up on their website. At the same time, you can also run background check on the sitters within the site at an affordable price. Sometimes, you don’t have to if it so happens that other parents have run a recent background check on the sitter.

What you always have to keep in mind is that background checks have an expiration date. It is for this reason that you should always check on the badges on the babysitter’s profile.

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Nonetheless, you don’t have to worry about dealing with total strangers because Sittercity does some kind of in-house screening. That’s a good start off point for you to get know the babysitter. However, it’s just a start. It still takes a lot for Sittercity to keep the little ones safe. Related read: Make sure to use a Sittercity promo code above when you join Sittercity.

Access To Reliable Background Checks

Even if the babysitters have some kind of background check, you want to be very sure. When it comes to the safety of your little ones, you just want to be absolutely sure of your choice of babysitter.

Running another background check on the babysitter gives you an added layer of protection and peace of mind. You can do this easily.

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Sittercity runs background checks upon the request of their members. It’s highly recommended you do the same thing to make sure that the babysitter you’re keen on hiring is not some kind of criminal.

Running another background check on the babysitter gives you an added layer of protection and peace of mind. You can do this easily.

You will never be able to get to know the applicants well. No matter how many times you interview them, they will always hold back on information that could jeopardize their chances of getting hired.

As a parent whose main objective is to keep the little ones safe, you want to exhaust all the means to find out more about the babysitter. Requesting for a background check is one of the safety measures Sittercity provides for you.

To make sure your little ones are safe, you should really take advantage of this particular service of Sittercity.

Here is an example profile of a candidate who has completed Enhanced Background Check, First Aid Training, and CPR Training. As you can see, her profile has a lot of information to help you decide. Please note that the image shows only a partial result of of her full profile page. The bottom section of her profile page is not shown in the image above.

Reviews Are From Reliable Sources

You’d want to gather as much information as you could get about the applicant. This is doable with Sittercity or, which is another online sitter service.

Aside from running background checks, Sittercity makes it easy for you to gather feedback and reviews about the babysitter you are interested in hiring.

This can easily be done by reading the reviews that have been posted by other parents. Knowing what other parents have to say about the babysitter can help you decide better.

Selection Process Is Easy To Follow

Following the selection process of Sittercity is easy enough for you. The process covers all the safety measures Sittercity has in place.

It is very important that you maximize each and every safety measure Sittercity has in place for you. You will never miss out on any of these safety measures since the selection process covers them all.

You will never miss out on any of these safety measures since the selection process covers them all.

๐Ÿค” Should You Use Sittercity? Check Out What Parents Have To Say About Sittercity

With all the features that Sittercity has implemented for the safety of its members, you can have peace of mind that you have all the tools and information you need to find the sitter who is right for your family.

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Disclosure: Compensated Affiliate. Click here for details.

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5 thoughts on “Safety Is Top Priority For Families With Sittercity

  1. I would suggest checking on the kind of background check the sitter has on her profile. Yes, we all know that the sitters on Sittercity have undergone some kind of background check. Thatโ€™s one of their good features but itโ€™s also worth checking if the kind of background check they have is โ€œEnhanced.โ€ I normally go for sitters who have an Enhanced Background Check on their badge.

  2. I highly recommend the free report here for avoiding a sitter from hell. It actually lists down 7 steps to finding a sitter. With each step comes a valuable explanation as to how every parent should go about the selection process. The report is definitely a time saver for busy parents like me and my husband.

  3. While it matters that the babysitter has already run a background check on herself, I run one on her as well for my peace of mind. It doesnโ€™t matter to me if her background check is still valid. I feel safer knowing I ran one myself. You just can’t be too complacent these days especially when hiring a babysitter.

  4. I think safety is top priority for all parents, with or without a Sittercity membership; but I get what you mean. There are just some parents who donโ€™t really know how to hire a sitter. If you’re one of those parents, it’s recommended that you sign up for Sittercitty.

  5. Yes, the sitters from Sittercity have been screened but that’s not a guarantee at all. Most, if not all, parents who are signed up with Sittercity take full advantage of the background check. This service runs an in depth check on the babysitter. You will know if she had been arrested in the past or had been issued some traffic tickets. Those things are critical information if you really want your kids to be safe with a sitter. The convenience of Sittercity is actually just secondary. Safety is the top priority.


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