Should Your Kids Join Playgroups?

Playgroups help kids learn how to interact with other kids.
Playgroups help kids learn how to interact with other kids.

For stay-at-home dads or moms, joining a playgroup is a much needed reprieve from the everyday grinds of parenting. Playgroups are gathering of parents with the common goal of allowing the children to come together and play. Mostly with children of common ages, the parents meet weekly or twice in a month to let their children interact and play with each other while they chat, bond, and socialize with other parents.

Beneficial for both parents and children, joining a playgroup can enhance child development and can provide social interaction for parents who feel contained in the confines of child rearing. The children are exposed to other children through play time and games, a plus factor for social development. On the other hand, stay-at-home parents attending a playgroup can enjoy adult exchanges with other parents. This is the time when the parents get to talk about anything. A relaxing break from the everyday parent-child conversation. Also read: Give yourself some break and save money with this sitter promo code.

Parents can choose from two kinds of playgroups. First is the informal playgroup which consists of parents with kids of similar ages who gather in a public area like a park or may be even in a home of one of the parents. This gathering has no strict plans or agenda, playgroup time is spent on children playing and adults casually socializing.

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Second is the formal playgroup established by community organizations, churches or other structured associations. This type of playgroup is advertised online, local newspapers, or community bulletin boards. The membership is bigger and the child-parent activities are more varied.

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Whether informal or formal, there are advantages. Both the child and the parent benefit from such social interaction. Children learn to play with other children and develop people skills at an early age. At the same time, the parents get to interact with other parents, exchanging light conversations or may be notes on child rearing. It is, nonetheless, a win-win situation for both the parent and child. Also read: Learn what makes Sittercity a great sitter resource.

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Do you let your kids join playgroups? What are the best playgroup activities that you have been a part of?ย  Come on and share your thoughts.


13 thoughts on “Should Your Kids Join Playgroups?

  1. I formed a small playgroup for my son consisting of two other kids whose moms are friends of mine. We make sure the kids play together once a week. We take turns to host the play time in our homes.


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